The World Mushroom Championship goes pink and opens registrations

October 7th and 8th in Cerreto Laghi

( Sassalbo, 12 April 2017 )

Registration is open for the fifth World Mushroom Championship, to be held in October in Cerreto Laghi (municipality of Ventasso) as usual.

Started from an idea by Fra’ Ranaldo and Briganti di Cerreto, Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park, together with the municipality of Ventasso, organises the fifth edition of an event which has drawn increasing interest and is eagerly awaited.

Its purpose is to create a porcino mushroom-centred event: porcini to search, pick, study, tell, photograph, and cook.

It aims at gathering mushroom lovers in Cerreto; at establishing a positive connection; at encouraging research and collection methods that respect the environment; at better understanding the world of woods and mushrooms; at merrily celebrating together this gift of nature.

To participate in the competition, which will take place on Sunday 8th October 2017, it is compulsory to attend the information evening on Saturday 7th October.

Registration forms are available on the website

It is also possible to contact the National Park to request a form: write at or call Erika at +39 3471639146.

Big news this year in Cerreto Laghi: a new women’s individual category has been created.

As per art. 6 of the 2017 Regulation, the three heaviest basketfuls of mushrooms picked by gentlemen will be awarded along with the three heaviest basketfuls picked by ladies (and then we will see who has done best overall).

Further, and much yearned-for, prizes will be awarded: for the heaviest and for the most beautiful mushroom, for the team competition, for the combined Apennine competition, and for the “Selfie with the Mushroom” category.

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The Park is a mosaic of villages

The Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park is made of a variety of distinct and different pieces that come together to create one unforgettable vacation.
While the diversity of the villages, attractions, forests, and mountains may surprise you, their close proximity allows visitors to see a little bit of everything in a short amount of time.
The more you see, the more you can appreciate the entire region. Explore the mosaic of places, people and experiences which make up the Park!
